Work Family Conflict, Emotional Exhaustion and Workplace Wellbeing in Female School Teachers

Author: Kousar Azam
Supervisor: Saira Batool & Rukhsana Kausar, PhD
Degree: M.Sc
Year: 2013-2015
University: Institute of Applied Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan

The present study was conducted to find out the relationship among work family conflict, emotional exhaustion and workplace wellbeing in female school teachers. It was hypothesized that; (a) there would be a positive relationship between work family conflict and emotional exhaustion in female school teachers; (b) there would be a negative relationship between work family conflict and work place wellbeing in female school teachers; (c) there would be a negative relationship between emotional exhaustion and workplace wellbeing in female school teachers; (d) Work family conflict and emotional exhaustion would predicted the workplace wellbeing in female school teachers; (e) Emotional exhaustion would be mediated the relationship between work family conflict and workplace wellbeing. Sample comprised of 100 female married school teachers with age range of 22-54 (M = 37.01, SD = 8.90). Sample was taken from Government Schools of Lahore. Work Family Conflict Scale (Haslam, Morwaska, & Sanders, 2012), Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (Borritz, Villadsen, Christensen & Kristensen, 2005) and Workplace Wellbeing Questionnaire (Hyett & Parker, 2014) were used for assessment. Pearson product moment correlation, stepwise regression analysis, independent samples t-test and hierarchical regression analyses were performed. Results revealed significant positive relationship between work family conflict and emotional exhaustion in female school teachers. Furthermore, work family conflict and emotional exhaustion were significantly negatively correlated. Work family conflict, family work conflict, work related emotional exhaustion and students’ related emotional exhaustion were significant predictors of work place wellbeing of school teachers. Differences were found between middle school and high school teachers on family work conflict. The mediating role of emotional exhaustion was not significant. Schools must support teachers to balance their workplace responsibilities along with house hold tasks.

Keywords: Work Family Conflict, Emotional Exhaustion, Workplace Wellbeing.
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Corresponding Address: Department of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. Email:, Phone: 92-42-9231245

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