Social Issues, Defeat, Entrapment and National Identity in Christian Community

Author: Amna Tahira

Supervisor: Naumana Amjad, PhD

Degree: Mphil

Year: 2011-2013

University: Institute of Applied Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan


The present study was conducted to find out the relationship between Social Issues, Defeat, Entrapment and National Identity of individuals from Christian community. It was hypothesized that (i) there is a positive relationship between Social Issues, Defeat and Entrapment (ii) there is a negative relationship of these variables with National Identity, (iii) National identity of Christian community is predicted by Social Issues, Defeat and Entrapment. The data was collected from 180 individuals belonging to Christian community. A survey method and correlational design was used. The assessment measures were Minorities Social Issues Checklist (Tahira & Amjad, 2012), Defeat Scale and Entrapment Scale (Gilbert & Allan, 1998) and National Identity Scale (Jamal, 2001). It was found that national identity was predicted by social issues related to religious and cultural freedom and issues related to socialization. Issues related to socialization and national affiliation had significant negative correlation with national identity, suggesting that people having higher level of these issues eventually had lesser degree of national identity. Moreover, people having greater perception of being externally or internally entrapped had lower level of national identity. Highly educated people had lesser perception of defeat and entrapment. Older people had to face more social issues related to religious and cultural freedom, socialization and national affiliation. Men had higher level of national identity than women. Student had less social issues then non students. It seems that minorities social interaction due to fear of discrimination. There is a need to develop such programs and schemes through which minority members of society can experience a harmonious environment and they can release from sense of entrapment.

Keywords: Minorities Issues, Defeat, Entrapment, National Identity.

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Corresponding Address: Department of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. Email:, Phone: 92-42-9231245

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