Psychological well being, Quality of life and Coping strategies used by Patients with Cardiac diseases

Author:Aimee Kathleen

Supervisor: Ms. Rafia Rafique


University: Institute of Applied Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan


AbstractThe present study examined Psychological well being, Quality of life and Coping strategies used by the patients with cardiac diseases. It was hypothesized that there is a relationship between Psychological well being, Quality of life and Coping strategies used by patients with cardiac diseases. It was also hypothesized that Psychological well being, Quality of life and Coping strategies would be different for male and female patients. Three measures, consisting of General Health Questionnaire 12 (Goldberg, 1970), Mac New Health Related Quality of Life Questionnaire (Oldridge, 2004); and a self constructed questionnaire for measuring Coping Strategies, by taking guidelines from Greenglass’s theoretical perspective (1999) were used to assess the patients. With the help of non-probability purposive sampling technique, a sample of cardiac patients (N=50; 25 males and 25 females) from cardiac wards of various hospitals of Lahore was taken. Age range of the patients ranged from 50-70 years. Pearson Product Moment and Independent sample t- test was used for the purpose of analyzing data. The results suggested that there is a relationship between Psychological well being, Quality of life and Coping strategies. Gender difference in Psychological well being, Quality of life and Coping strategies between male and female cardiac patients was found. Significant difference on the subscales of coping strategies was also found for male and female cardiac patients. Implications for the implementation of psychological interventions were discussed.

Keywords:Psychological well being, Quality of life ,Coping strategies , Cardiac diseases

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