Author: Usman Ahmad Zaheer
Supervisor: Shahnila Tariq
Degree: M.Sc
Year: 2014-2016
University: Institute of Applied Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan
The present research aimed to investigate perceived over protective parenting, perceived parental bonding and self-determination in college students. It was hypothesized that there would be likely relationship between perceived over protective parenting, perceived parental bonding, and self-determination. Correlation research design and purposive sampling technique was used in the present study. The sample comprised of 150 college students (boys = 75 & girls = 75), age range between 15 to 20 years collected from private and government colleges of Lahore. Perceived Over Protective Parenting Scale (Nelson & Padilla-Walker, 2012), Parental Bonding Instrument (Parker, Tupling, & Brown, 1979) and Self-Determination Scale (Deci & Ryan, 2000) were used. No significant relationship was found in perceived over protective parenting and self-determination. Parental bonding emerged as a strong predictor of self-determination. Moreover, there was a positive relationship of mother care and father care with self-determination and mother over protection and father over protection have a negative relationship with self- determination.
Keywords: Perceived Over Protective Parenting, Perceived Parental Bonding, Self-Determination.
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