Author: Samer Fatima

Supervisor: Saima Dawood PhD

Degree: BS

Year: 2013-2017

University: Centre for Clinical Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan


The present study examined the relationship between Parenting
Styles, Moral Identity and Prosocial Behaviors in Adolescents. It
was hypothesized that there is likely to be a relationship between
parenting styles, moral identity and prosocial behaviors in
adolescents. It was also hypothesized that moral identity is likely
to mediate the relationship between parenting styles and prosocial
behaviors. Through Purposive Sampling technique, a sample of
236 participants with age (M=15.28, SD= 1.92) were recruited
from different schools and academies of Lahore city. The Parental
Authority Questionnaire-Revised (PAQ-R), The Self-Importance
of Moral Identity Scale and Prosocial Tendencies Measure
Revised (PTM-R) were employed for data collection. The results
demonstrated significant positive relationship between
authoritative parenting style, moral identity and prosocial
behaviors. While permissive parenting style had negative
relationship with moral identity and prosocial behaviors. Father
authoritarian style had positive relationship with moral identity,
while mother authoritarian style had negative relationship with
moral identity. Moreover, analysis revealed that moral identity
was significantly mediating the relationship between parenting
styles and prosocial behaviors. The results also revealed
significant gender difference in terms of moral identity internalization and prosocial behaviors i.e. public, emotional, dire and anonymous. The present research suggested that parenting
style is a significant factor in developing prosocial behaviors in
children. It is very important that parents should have some
insight about their parenting style and they should have some
guidance that how they can improve their parenting styles in order
to provide healthy upbringing style to their children.

Keywords: Parenting Styles, Moral Identity, Prosocial Behaviors, Adolescents.

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