Parental Involvement and School Performance of High School Students

Author: Rubina Alam

Supervisor: Dr. Naumana Amjad

Degree: M.Sc

Year: 2005-2007

University: Institute of Applied Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan


It was investigated whether parental involvement affects students’ school performance by using self constructed five point scale, based on the theory of achievement motivation (McClelland, 1961). Boys and girls (N = 208) studying in public and private schools, participated in this research. The school performance of students was measured by computing aggregate percentage of their obtained marks in annual exams of 9th, 8th, and 7th grades respectively. Small but significant correlation was found between parental involvement and school performance of students. Further correlation was also found out between the four indicators of parental involvement as parental encouragement, parental reward, parental attention and parental monitoring. Parental attention had the highest significant positive correlation whereas parental monitoring did not have significant relation. Moreover parental attention appeared to be the strongest and more significant predictor of better school performance than other indicators. Analysis revealed that girls show better performance than boys and also receive more parental involvement. A significant difference in parental involvement was also found between high and low performing students. No significant difference was found between the school performance of public and private school students. This study emphasized that for better academic results parents’ involvement is essential.

Keywords: Parental Involvement, School Performance, Parental Encouragement, Parental Reward, Parental Attention and Parental Monitoring

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Corresponding Address: Department of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. Email:, Phone: 92-42-9231245

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