Author: Maria Hussain
Supervisor: Rabia Dasti
Degree: BS
Year: 2013-2017
University: Centre for Clinical Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan
The present research was aimed to investigate the relationship of
Parental Bonding, Moral Values and Attitude towards Delinquent
Behavior in College Boys. It was hypothesized that (I)
Affectionate and optimal parenting is likely to have positive
relationship with moral values and negative relationship with
attitude towards delinquent behavior, (II) affectionless control and
neglectful parenting is likely to have positive relationship with
attitude towards delinquent behavior. The total sample size of the
present study was 334 (Mage=17.6, SD= .93) boys selected
through convenient sampling from both government and private
colleges of Lahore. Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI; Brown,
Parker & Tupling, 1979), Multidimensional Measure of
Spirituality (Dasti & Sitwat, 2014) and Attitudes towards
Delinquency Scale (Loeber, Farrington, Stouthamer & Kammen,
1998) were administered in the study to collect data. The results
showed that 80% of participants reported affectionless control
(parenting). Pearson Product Moment Correlation revealed
positive relationship of affectionate, optimal and neglectful
parenting with moral values while negative relationship of
affectionless control with moral values. There was a significant
positive correlation of affectionless control (parenting) with
attitude towards delinquent behavior while negative relationship
of affectionate, optimal and neglectful parenting with attitude
towards delinquent behavior. Mediation analysis revealed that
moral values did not mediate the relationship between Parental
Bonding and Attitude towards Delinquent Behavior. This study
will expand the understanding of the effects of parental bonding
on adolescents and helps in designing family based intervention
program for parents and adolescents to develop the skills that
strengthen family relationship, enhance moral values and prevent
unacceptable behavioral and emotional outcomes.
Keywords: Parental Bonding, Moral Values, Delinquent Behavior.
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