Author: Naima Nadeem

Supervisor: Faiza Safdar

Degree: BS

Year: 2013-2017

University: Centre for Clinical Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan


The study investigated the relationship between Media Influence,
Materialism and Compulsive Buying in Young Adults. It was
hypothesized that there would likely to be a relationship between
media influence, materialism and compulsive buying in young
adults. Further, it was hypothesized that media influence, and
materialism would like to predict compulsive buying in young
adults. Data was collected form 370 adults comprising men = 146
and women= 224 with age range of 18-35 years, from different
shopping malls and private and government universities. The
instrument used included Materialism Scale (Richins & Dawson,
1990), Media Influence Questionnaire (Archita, 2000), Yalebrown Obsessive Compulsive Scale- Shopping Version ([Y BOCS-SV] Faber & Guinn, 1996), Consumer Style Inventory
([CSI] Sporles & Kendall, 1996) and Persuasion Knowledge
Scale ( Bearden et al., 2001). The Correlation Analysis revealed a
significant positive relationship between media influence,
materialism compulsive buying, brand consciousness and
persuasion knowledge. A significant negative relationship was
found between compulsive buying and materialism. Regression
analysis revealed that materialism, persuasion knowledge, brand
consciousness and media influence were significant predictors of
compulsive buying. It is inferred that the adults who use more
media and influenced by the advertisements are more materialistic
and brand conscious which results in compulsive buying, the
study will help to develop educational programs for adults.

Keywords: Media influence, Materialism, Compulsive Buying.

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