Leadership Styles, Organizational Culture and Employees’ Work Ethics

Author: Sara Ali

Supervisor: Saima Ghazal, PhD

Degree: BS

Year: 2012-2016

University: Institute of Applied Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan


Leadership styles have an impact on their subordinates’ work ethics. This correlational study investigated the relationship among perceived leadership styles, organizational culture, employees’ personality traits and their work ethics. The sample consisted of 180 participants (N = 180) including 30 heads of the departments (n = 30) and 150 employees of grade 11 or above (n = 150). Data were collected from University of The Punjab, Lahore. Employees were given with Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument, Ten Items Personality Inventory and Occupational Work Ethics Inventory. Transformational leadership Scale was given to the heads of the departments to assess their leadership styles. Data was analyzed by applying correlation and hierarchal regression. Result indicated that neither leadership styles nor organizational culture predicted employees’ work ethics but personality traits (emotional stability and openness to experience). However, clan culture and transformational leadership were found to be significantly related to work ethics. Findings and implications of the study are discussed with reference to Pakistani culture.

Keywords: Leadership Styles, Organizational Culture, Employees’ Work Ethics.

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Corresponding Address: Department of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. Email: chairperson@appsy.pu.edu.pk, Phone: 92-42-9231245

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