Author: Sabeen Khan
Supervisor: Ayesha Abdul Khaliq & Iram Fatima, PhD
Degree: M.Sc
Year: 2014-2016
University: Institute of Applied Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan
The present study aimed to investigate the relationship of irrational beliefs and locus of control with procrastination in science students. It was hypothesized that there is likely to be a positive relationship of irrational beliefs, powerful others and chance locus of control with procrastination, whereas internal locus of control would be negatively relatively related with procrastination. Further, irrational beliefs powerful others and chance locos of control would positively predict procrastination, while internal locus of control would negatively predict procrastination. The sample consisted of 183 students (college students) including boys and girls from different government and private colleges of Lahore with age range of 17 to 21 years. (M = 17.6, SD = .89). Shortened General Attitude and Belief Scale (Lindner, Kirkby, Wertheim, & Birch, 1999) was used to assess irrational beliefs, Levenson Multidimensional Locus of Control Scale (Levenson, 1973) was used to assess locus of control and Active and Passive Procrastination Scale (Chu & Choi, 2005) was used for assessing procrastination. Correlation analysis was used to find out the relationship between irrational beliefs, locus of control and procrastination. Regression analysis was used to determine the extent to which procrastination is predicted by irrational beliefs and locus of control and t-test was also used to find out the gender differences. The analysis indicated that no relationship was found between irrational beliefs, locus of control and procrastination. Regression analysis revealed that irrational beliefs and locus of control did not predict procrastination. Gender differences were observed with boys procrastinating more than girls.
Keywords: Irrational beliefs, Locus of control, Procrastination, Science Students.
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