Gender Differences in Quality of Life, Satisfaction with Life and Depression in Hospitalized Cardiac Patients

Author: Sana Ejaz

Supervisor: Ms. Fatima Kamran

Degree: M.Sc

Year: 2006-2008

University: Institute of Applied Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan


The present study was conducted to examine gender differences in quality of life, satisfaction with life and depression in hospitalized cardiac patients. It was hypothesized that there are gender differences in quality of life, depression and satisfaction with life of hospitalized cardiac patients and there is a relationship between satisfaction with life, depression and quality of life. A sample of 80 hospitalized cardiac patients was recruited from the Punjab Institute of Cardiology and Jinnah Hospital Lahore. WHO quality of Life Scale, Beck Depression Inventory-11 and Satisfaction with life scale were used for assessment. Individual assessment was carried out by the researcher at the premises of hospitals after seeking formal permission from authorities. Data was analyzed using t-test and correlation analysis. Analysis revealed that hospitalized cardiac patient’s quality of life and satisfaction with life is very low and indicated higher level of depression. There were no gender differences in domains of quality of life and there was significant correlation between quality of life, satisfaction with life and level of depression of hospitalized cardiac patients. Findings have very important implications for provision of psychological counseling for the hospitalized cardiac patients.

Keywords: Gender Differences, Quality of Life, Satisfaction with Life, Depression, Hospitalized Cardiac Patients

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Corresponding Address: Department of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. Email:, Phone: 92-42-9231245

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