Author: Sara Latif

Supervisor: Nashi Khan PhD

Degree: MS

Year: 2015-2017

University: Centre for Clinical Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan


The present study aimed to examine the differences in the
occurrence of Female Sexual Dysfunctions and Common Mental
Disorders (Depression, Anxiety and Somatoform) among
Primiparous Women with Normal Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery
(NSVD), Operative Vaginal Delivery (OVD) and Caesarean
Section (CS). In this study, Non-Probability Purposive Sampling
Strategy was employed to recruit participants. A total sample of
180 was taken (Mage= 25.6, SD=3.62) with each group comprised
of 60 participants. Female Sexual Functioning Index (Rosen et al.,
2000; translated by Rehman, Mahmood, Sheikh, Sultan, & Khan,
2015) and Symptom Checklist-Revised (Rahman, Dawood, Jagir,
Mansoor, & Rehman, 2009) were the questionnaires employed in
the study. One-way ANOVA revealed that the occurrences of
Female Sexual Dysfunctions were high in Primiparous Women
with CS as compared to Women with NSVD. Nevertheless, no
significant differences were found in the occurrence of Female
Sexual Dysfunctions in Primiparous Women with CS and OVD.
Moreover, one-way MANOVA revealed that the occurrence of
Common Mental Disorders (Depression, Anxiety and
Somatoform) were high in the CS group as compared to OVD and
NSVD group. The findings of the present study implies that
Psychologists, Gynecologists, Social Workers, Policy Makers and
other authorities should work in collaboration with aims to
identify the risk factors associated with the mode of delivery, and
to take radical steps to avoid unnecessary surgeries and eradicate
the associated morbidity by formulating comprehensive
management plan.


Female Sexual Dysfunctions, Common Mental Disorders, Normal Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery, Operative
Vaginal Delivery, and Caesarean Section.

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