Women Empowerment and Family Relationships among Women

Thesis Title: Women Empowerment and Family Relationships among Women

Student Title: Sonia Ashiq

Supervisor: Shazia Qayyum, PhD

Degree: MSc

Year: 2016-2018


The present research aimed to investigate relationship of women empowerment and family relationship among women. The main objective was to examine to find out the relationship between women autonomy and family relationship among married/ unmarried and professional/ non-professional educated women. It was hypothesized that women autonomy would affect the family relationship. Within group (exploratory) research design was used. The sample size was determined by G-Power calculator (n = 200) and participants were recruited through convenient sampling from colleges and schools, offices and door to door. The sample was consisted of (N = 200) educated professional/ non- professional and married/ unmarried women are taken. Scale for Women Empowerment (Schuler, SR, Hashemi, & Riley, 1997). It has 18 elements, which have 3 secondary scales. The Family Relationship Index Scale (IFR; Walter W. Hudson, 1993). These two scales were administered to each participant. Descriptive statistics, correlation, hieratical regression and independent sample t-test were used to data analysis. The results revealed that there was a significant and positive association between economic security and Family relationship index which means that the higher the age, the more the economic security women have and the better family relationships and also showed that highly qualified women have more economic security. In the contrast of married and unmarried women, unmarried women may have more family freedom than married and have less chances of economic security. In other hand professional/ non-professional women, non-professional women have lower levels of economic security. Result also reveals that women who are outgoing are better in family relationships than those who are not so outgoing. Homogeneity of variance was assumed which revealed that unmarried women have more family freedom than married women and married women are more economically secure than unmarried women. Result also revealed that there is a positive significant  relationship between professional/ non-professional women. Result revealed that women empowerment was significant positive predictor of family relationship.

Keywords: Women empowerment, family relationship, educated married/ unmarried women, educated professional/ non-professional women

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