Sexual Functioning, Body Image and Quality of Life after Hysterectomy and Other Gynecological Problems in Women

Author: Khadeeja Munawar

Supervisor: Nashi Khan, PhD

Degree: MS

Year: 2012-2014

University: Institute of Applied Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan


The study aimed at exploring the sexual functioning, and quality of life after hysterectomy and other gynecological problems in women, highlighting different factors such as living situations of a woman, family matters, relations with husband, various social issues and job which may have immense role in how the hysterectomy resulted and other gynecological problems too (i.e. menstrual irregularity, menopausal symptoms, genital tract infections, sub-fertility, benign genital tract tumors, genital tract injuries, vaginal discharge and pelvic inflammatory disease). Sample comprised of 200 participants. The participants ranged in age from 30 to 55 years and their mean age was 43.23 years. Purposive sampling technique was employed to collect 100 participants in each group (i.e. hysterectomy and other gynecological problems). Semi- Structured interview, World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale –Bref (WHO, 1998), Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI; Rosen et al., 2000) and Body Image Concern Inventory (BICI; Littleton, Axsom & Pury, 2005) were the research measures. Descriptive Analyses, Independent t-test, Correlational analyses, Multiple Hierarchical Regression Analyses and Moderation were used for statistical analysis. Results revealed that except desire, relationship with environment, arousal and pain, there were no significant differences in rest of the variables across the two conditions. Findings of Multiple Hierarchical Regression Analysis revealed that participant’s age was significant predictor of physical health, environment, body image, desire and arousal. Similarly, Satisfaction with social support was significant predictor of physical health, psychological health, social interaction, environment, arousal, lubrication and satisfaction. Participant’s education was the predictor of psychological health, social interaction, environment and satisfaction. Stressor was significant predictor of body image, arousal and satisfaction. Relations with husband were significant predictor of arousal and satisfaction, moreover, Relations with In-laws was significant predictor of lubrication. Moderation revealed that interaction between Psychological Problem in Family and Condition and Relations with In Laws and Condition was significant. Findings have implications in guiding future studies at devising the management plans in order to improve the sexual lives of women.

Keywords: Sexual  Functioning, Body Image, Quality of  Life, Hysterectomy, Gynecological Problems.

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