Sexual Dysfunction and Psychiatric Morbidity in the Patients with Arthritis

Author: Momna Saeed

Supervisor: Hina Javed Rana

Degree: BS

Year: 2010-2014

University: Institute of Applied Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan


The aim of the present study was to find the relationship between severity of arthritis, psychiatric morbidity (depression and anxiety) and sexual dysfunction in the patients with arthritis. It was hypothesized that there is likely to be a relationship between severity of arthritis, psychiatric morbidity and sexual dysfunction in the women with arthritis. Moreover, psychiatric morbidity is likely to mediate between severity of arthritis and sexual dysfunction. Correlational research design with purposive sampling strategy was used. Arthritis women with age range 30-50 years (M=38.98, SD=6.9) were included in the sample. The data were collected from different public and private hospitals of Lahore. Assessment measures used in the current research were Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS) and Sexual Functioning Questionnaire (SFQ). Results of the study showed significant positive correlation between severity of arthritis and psychiatric morbidity (depression and anxiety). It was also found that severity of arthritis and sexual dysfunction significantly positively correlate with each other. Significant positive correlation was found between psychiatric morbidity and sexual dysfunction. Moreover, regression analysis revealed that severity of arthritis, depression and anxiety are the predictors of sexual dysfunction. Through mediation analysis it was also found that psychiatric morbidity act as a mediator between severity of arthritis and sexual dysfunction in the women with arthritis.

Keywords: Sexual Dysfunction, Psychiatric Morbidity.

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