Author: Nayab Hafeez
Supervisor: Ms. Tehreem Arshad
Degree: BS
Year: 2005-2009
University: Institute of Applied Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan
The aim of the study was to investigate the difference of level of distress between women having miscarriage and women having no miscarriage and its relationship with religious practices, spiritual support and social support. Ex Post Facto Research Design was used and sample was collected through Purposive sampling. Two groups, each containing 50 participants, were matched on age, education, income, occupation, family system the factor of having children and having no children. Sample was collected from two hospitals and one clinic. Tools used were Demographic Questionnaire, Religious Activity Scale, Spiritual Support Scale, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support and Centre for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale. Results were deduced by using t-test, Pearson Product Moment Correlation and Chi-square. Results indicated that there was a significant difference in distress of women having miscarriage and women having no miscarriage. The relationship of religiosity and spiritual support was not significant with the level of distress while social support was significantly related with level of distress. It means that social support should be enhanced in order to reduce level of distress in miscarrying women.
Keywords: Distress. Social support, Miscarriage.
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