Personality Dimension, Coping and Positive Emotions in the Caregivers of Patients with HIV/AID

Author: Mujeeba Ashraf

Supervisor: Dr. Aisha Sitwat

Degree: MS

Year:  2008-2010

University: Institute of Applied Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan


The present research aimed at to studying the relationship of personality dimensions with positive emotions and coping of the caregivers of HIV/AIDS patients. The sample comprised of caregivers (N=56) of adult patients was collected from Special Clinics of HIV/AIDS of different teaching hospitals of Lahore. All ethical considerations were taken into account along with need based provision of counseling to the participants. Neuroticism, Extroversion, Openness-Personality Inventory -Revised (NEO-PI-R) Positive and Negative Affect Schedule – Expanded Form (PANAX-R), Ways of Coping Questionnaire and Religious Activity Scale were used to measure personality dimensions, emotions and coping respectively. In most cases wives were identified as caregivers who belonged to low socio economic status and only few reported as facing stigma. Results revealed that individuals with both high and low extroversion used problem focused coping and self-control and accepting responsibility but low extroversion used more escape avoidance coping and had negative association with negative emotions. Those high on neuroticism experienced less positive emotions and used more tension reduction coping than problem focused coping. It was found that meaningful coping had no association with either type of personality. The Regression Analysis revealed neuroticism as a significant predictor of negative emotions while emotion focused coping and extroversion only significantly predicted the negative emotions. Moreover, five in-depth interviews were conducted with two professionals and three caregivers for getting the personality profile of ideal caregiver. Interviewees reported various characteristics including, courage, patience, optimism etc.

Keywords: Coping, Personality, HIV/ AIDS, Caregivers, Positive Emotions.

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Corresponding Address: Department of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. Email:, Phone: 92-42-9231245