Perceived Parenting Styles, Personality Patterns and Symptom Dimensions in Patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Author: Anam Ali

Supervisor: Aisha Sitwat, PhD

Degree: MS

Year: 2011-2013

University: Centre for Clinical Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan


The present study aimed to explore the relationship of perceived parenting styles, personality patterns in relation to symptom dimensions in obsessive compulsive disorder. It was hypothesized that perceived parenting styles and personality patterns are likely to predict symptom dimensions in OCD. Furthermore, personality patterns are likely to mediate between perceived parenting styles and symptom dimensions in OCD. A purposive sample of 89 participants, already diagnosed with OCD, with age range 18-57, were drawn from five hospitals and one consultancy service. Urdu version of Parental Authority Questionnaire (Buri, 1991), NEO-PI-3 (McCare & Costa, 2010) and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Symptom Checklist (Jabeen & Kausar, 2008) were used to assess perceived parenting styles, personality patterns and symptom dimensions in OCD respectively. Results showed that there was significant negative association between authoritarian style of mothers and conscientiousness. It was also revealed that authoritarian parenting style was found to be significant negative predictor of conscientiousness which in turn was significant negative correlated with blasphemous thoughts and negative predictor of checking compulsion. Permissive parenting style has significant negative association with contamination obsessions and compulsions and also predicted them. Neuroticism was significantly correlated with checking obsession and compulsion, blasphemous thoughts and orderliness compulsion. Neuroticism also predicted these variables. It was also found that agreeableness was negatively correlated with checking and harm obsession and also significant predictor of harm obsession. Openness was found to be significantly correlated with and predictors of checking obsession and compulsion. It was also found that domains of personality did not statistically significantly mediate between perceived parenting styles and symptom dimensions in OCD. Thus, it showed that more demanding and less responsive parenting was related to carelessness in children which in turn can have chance to cause obsessions or compulsions. The study adds to the body of knowledge as well as it has implications for developing effective parent training program as a preventive measure against OCD.

Keywords: OCD, Symptom Dimensions, Parenting, Personality.

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