Patience and Psychological Well-Being

Author: Alishba Hafeez

Supervisor: Iram Fatima, Ph.D

Degree: M.Phil

Year: 2011-2013

University: Institute of Applied Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan


Present research was conducted to find out the relationship between
patience and psychological well-being in university students. This research
consisted of two studies. The first qualitative study explored the meaning
of patience and manifestation of patience in one’s behavior. 10 students of
age range of 18 to 25 years (M = 20, SD =1.43) were interviewed.
Interpretation suggested five aspects related to patience; self-control,
persistence, delay of gratification, faith in Allah, and satisfaction. Study II
was conducted to develop the scale of patience, and to assess its
discriminant and concurrent validity. It was hypothesized that patience
would be negatively related to frustration intolerance and positively
related to psychological well-being. Through convenient sampling 400
students (200 men & 200 men) within age range of 18 to 25 year (M = 20,
SD = 1.58) were recruited from different private and public universities of
Lahore. Items for patience scale were generated from interview conducted
in study I, scale of psychological well-being (Ryff, 1989) and frustration
discomfort scale (Harrington, 2005) were used. Principal component
analysis resulted in three factors i.e. delay of gratification, forbearance,
and even-tempered. Discomfort intolerance
was most consistent negative predictors of psychological well-being
among the dimensions of frustration intolerance. While among the aspects
of patience delay of gratification was the most consistent predictor of
psychological well-being. Relationship of patience with psychological
well-being was similar in men and women. The theoretical implication of
this study lies in its contribution to the field of psychological testing and
positive psychology.

Keywords: Patience, Psychological Well-Being, Discomfort Intolerance, Delay of Gratification.

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Corresponding Address: Department of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. Email:, Phone: 92-42-9231245

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