Informal Workplace Interactions, Person-Organization Fit and Organizational Citizenship Behaviours in Organizations

Author: Nihan Iqbal

Supervisor: Afifa Anjum

Degree: BS

Year: 2012-2016

University: Institute of Applied Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan


The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between informal workplace interactions, person-organization fit (PO Fit) and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) in organizations. It was hypothesized there is a significant relationship between informal interactions, PO fit and OCB with PO fit playing a mediating role between informal workplace interactions and OCB. Correlation research design was used. The sample comprised of 135 service sector employees (N = 135) including 85 males and 50 females, with age range 23-56 years (M = 30.30, SD = 6.76). The Workplace Friendship Scale (Nielsen, Jex & Adams, 2000), PO Fit Scale (Cable, 2002) and OCB-Checklist (Fox & Spector, 2011) was used to assess the study variables respectively. Results indicated that informal workplace interactions had a direct relationship with PO fit and OCB. Mediation through PO fit was not supported by data. Furthermore, it was seen that public sector employees engaged in more informal interactions as compared to private sector employees. The study has important implications in the field of organizational psychology that helps leadership management to encourage open communication and informal workplace interactions among employees for increased citizenship behaviors that reduce conflict and bring benefit to the organizations culture and atmosphere.

Keywords: Informal Workplace Interactions, Organizational Citizenship Behaviours.

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Corresponding Address: Department of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. Email:, Phone: 92-42-9231245

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