Impact of Fear of Terrorism, Televised News Media Exposure and Religious Belief on Mental Health of Community Population

Author: Aqsa Safdar

Supervisor: Ms. Fatima Ali Bokhari

Degree: BS

Year: 2005-2009

University: Institute of Applied Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan


The current study aimed to investigate the Impact of Fear of Terrorism, Televised News Media Exposure, and Religious Belief on Mental Health of Community Population, The sample of 150 participants was taken from different areas of Lahore city that were directly exposed to terrorist attacks in the last two years, which included 114 males and 36 females. Age range of the sample was 19 to 70 years. Purposive sampling was used to collect the data. Measures used in the study were Terrorism Catasrophizing Scale, Televised news Media Exposure Instrument, Religious Belief Scale and three subscales of Symptom Checklist-Rthat were Depression, Anxiety, and LFT. Pearson Product Moment Correlational Coefficient was used to analyze the data. The result findings indicated that the first hypothesis was confirmed as findings indicated that there is a significant positive relationships between fear of terrorism and mental health on two subscales of Depression (÷2 = .194*) and Anxiety (÷2= .224**) and positive relationship on LFT (÷2=-095). Second hypothesis was also confirmed as it was indicated from the results that there was a positive relationship between televised news media exposure and mental health on subscale of anxiety (÷2= .032) and LFT (÷2= .059).There was negative relationship only on the subscale of depression. (÷2= – .069). A negative relationship between religious belief and mental health was also observed however the r e s u l t s w e r e o n l y s i g n i f i c a n t o n t h e s u b s c a l e  o f  L F T  ( ÷ 2 =  – .  1 7 1  * ) .

Keywords: Terrorism, Mental Health, Depression, Anxiety. Media Exposure.

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Corresponding Address: Department of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. Email:, Phone: 92-42-9231245