Author: Nighat Saeed
Supervisor: Naumana Amjad, PhD
Degree: M.Sc
Year: 2014-2016
University: Institute of Applied Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan
The aim of the present study was to explore the perception and knowledge of primary school teachers about dyslexia, the practices in school system for identifying and helping such children and compare these in some major school systems. A mixed research design and sampling technique was used to collect data. A sample of 80 teachers (40 from two government schools and 40 from two private schools were recruited. In first exploratory study semi-structured questionnaire was developed for obtaining qualitative responses of teachers regarding dyxlexia. These responses were content analysed and a five point likert scale Beliefs about Dyxlexia was developed. In second study a sample of 80 teachers a sample of 80 teachers (40 from two government schools and 40 from two private schools) were given Beliefs about Dyslexia Scale developed in first study, demographic information sheet and training related information sheet. The reliability of Beliefs about Dyslexia Scale was satisfactory (α = .90). Independent samples t-test revealed that private schools’ teachers level of awareness about dyslexia was higher than government school teachers. Further those who had training gave more accurate definitions of dyslexia than those teachers who had not gone through training. Trained teachers had more accurate beliefs than untrained teachers. A study had important implications for children with dyslexia.
Keywords: : Awareness, Beliefs, Dyslexia, Government-Private Schools.
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