Author: Rabbia Ashraf

Supervisor: Humaira Naz

Degree: BS

Year: 2013-2017

University: Centre for Clinical Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan


The present study investigated Autotelic Personality, Work Flow,
Work Resources as determinants of Burnout in Lawyers. It was
hypothesized that there is likely to be relationship between
Autotelic personality, work flow, work resources and burnout. It
was also hypothesized that there will be a predictive relationship
between Autotelic personality, work flow, work resources and
burnout. It was also hypothesized that lawyers working in public
and private sector will differ on autotelic personality, work flow,
work resources and burnout. The sample was selected through
Purposive Sampling technique and was comprised of 132
(men=102, women =30) lawyers with average age range of 20-30
years (Mage=32, SD=9.53). Participants were approached from
both government and private organizations and firms. Questioner
used were Big Five Inventory (Rammstedt & John, 2005), Work
Related Flow (Baker, 2008), General Self-efficacy Scale
(Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1992), Questioner on Experience and
Evaluation of Work (Veldhoven & Meijman, 1994) and
Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (Kristensen et al., 2005). The
correlational analysis showed significant negative relation of
autotelic personality, work flow, work resources with all burnout
subscales. Hierarchal Multiple Regression found out that
Agreeableness emerged as negative predictor of personal and
work related burnout. Neuroticism was emerged as positive
predictor of personal, client related and burnout total. Work
Absorption (Work Flow) strongly predicted client related burnout.
Independent sample t test revealed that public sector lawyers
experience more intrinsic work motivation (work flow), whereas
private sector lawyers have more colleague, social support and
experience more burnout. Additional analyses show that
prosecutor had more work flow and autotelic personality traits of
consciousness and openness. Criminal lawyers were found to
have more agreeableness traits. It is concluded that lawyers with
Autotelic personality traits tend to have greater work flow and
work resources serve as buffer agent against work burnout.
Research findings suggest ways to decrease burnout and increase
employee’s engagement in work by enhancing their autotelic
personality, general self-efficacy, acceptance of their role and
recognition for their work.

Keywords: Autotelic Personality, Work Flow, Work Resources, Burnout.

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