Attitude Towards Seeking Professional Psychological Help and Counseling Needs of Punjab University Students

Author: Almas Irfan
Supervisor: Rukhsana Kausar, PhD
Degree: M.Sc
Year: 2013-2015
University: Institute of Applied Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan

The present study was conducted to investigate relationship between attitude towards seeking professional psychological help and counseling needs of Punjab university students. It was hypothesized that attitude towards seeking professional psychological help would correlate with counseling needs. The sample comprised of 150 students (n = 62 men, n= 88 women) taken from different departments and hostels of University of the Punjab Lahore. Attitude Towards Seeking Professional Psychological Help Scale (Ficher & Bacon, 2007) scale was used to measure attitude of participant towards seeking professional psychological help. Survey of Student Needs (Gallagher, 2010) was utilized to assess counseling needs of students in the domains of personal, learning and job related needs. Pearson product Moment correlation revealed that learning needs had a positive relationship with counseling needs. Further, regression analysis revealed attitude towards seeking professional psychological help predicted learning counseling needs. So in the light of results, it is recommended that students should be educated about counseling center’s provision of assistance in the domains of personal, Learning and career as well as awareness at university level about psychological issues should be enhanced.

Keywords: Attitude, Professional Psychological Help, Counseling Needs.
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Corresponding Address: Department of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. Email:, Phone: 92-42-9231245

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