A Comparative Study of Drug Addicts and Non-Drug Addicts on Religiosity and Personality

Author: Ayesha Sarwar

Supervisor: Dr. Aisha Sitwat

Degree: BS

Year: 2005-2009

University: Centre for Clinical Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan


The present study was conducted to compare of religiosity and personality factors of drug addicts and non-drug addicts. A purposive sample of 50 drug addicts age ranges 20-60 years were taken from different rehabilitation centers of Lahore and 50 non drug addictsmatched with drug addicts on age, education, gender, and socioeconomic status were taken from general population of Lahore. The tool for assessment of personality was NEO-PI-R while religiosity was accessed by Religious Belief Scale and Religious Activity Scale. The t-test comparison indicated that drug addicts were significantly different onpersonality domain of neuroticism and on religiosity from non-drug addicts. This study provides a better understanding regarding to devising management programs for drug addicts by using religion such as concepts of higher power (Allah) for Muslim society

Keywords: Religiosity, Drug Addicts, Personality.

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