Author: Irza Ali
Supervisor:Ms. Rafia Rafique
Year:(2007- 2009)
University: Institute of Applied Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan
Abstract The present study was designed to investigate the relationship between Depression, Social Support and Quality of life in patients with Chronic Renal Failure. It was hypothesized that there is significant relationship between depression, social support and quality of life in patients diagnosed with chronic renal failure. It was also hypothesized that there is a difference in depression, social support and quality of life between male and female patients. Beck Depression Inventory II (Beck, 1996), Berlin Social Support Scale by Schwarzer and Schulz (2000) and Flanagan’s quality of life scale (Burckhardt, 1998) were used for measuring the study variables. The sample consisted of 20 male and 20 female patients of chronic renal failure. Data was collected from Nephrology department of Sheikh Zayad hospital, Doctors hospital and Hijaz hospital, Lahore. Pearson Product Moment correlation and Independent sample t- test was used for the purpose of analyzing data. The findings suggest that there is a negative relationship between depression and social support as well as depression and quality of life.
Keywords:Depression, Social Support ,Quality of Life , Chronic Renal Failure
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