Article Title: Role of Personal Growth Initiative as a Moderator between Stress and Mental Health among Adolescents
Author(s): Sadia Zaman and Irum Naqvi
Institute(s): National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.
Journal: Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 2018, Vol. 33, No. 1, 123-147
Correspondence Address: Sadia Zaman, National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. E-mail:
In present study the relationship between stress and mental health moderated by personal growth initiative among adolescents was examined. Study comprised of sample including 330 adolescents age ranges 12 to 18 years from public and private sector educational institutions. Instruments used in present study were Stress Subscale from Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995), Personal Growth Initiative Scale – II (Robitschek et al., 2012), and Mental Health Continuum – Short Form (Keyes, 2009). Results showed that stress was negatively related with mental health and personal growth initiative, whereas mental health was positively related with personal growth initiative. Moderation of personal growth initiative reflects that adolescents with high stress have low scores on mental health, but personal growth initiative buffer this relationship and improve their mental health. However, adolescents with high scores on stress, low scores on personal growth initiative tend to have deteriorated mental health. Girls reported high levels of stress as compared to boys and gender has been viewed as a moderating factor on stress and mental health, same results were found for personal growth initiative and mental health. Girls have lower levels of mental health as compared to boys, but when girls have higher initiating tendency for growth, they compete boys in mental health.
Keywords. Personal growth initiative, flourishing mental health, intentional behavior, resource utilization