Religiosity-Spirituality, Gratitude and Pro-Social Behavior among University Students

Sumbal Aslam (MSc, 2016-2018) Supervisor: Saira Khan

The present research conducted to investigate the relationship between religiosity/spirituality; gratitude and pro-social behavior among university students. The sample consisted of Masters and BS students N = 200 with the age range of 18 to 25 collected via convenient sampling technique. Assessment measures included Santa Clara Strength of Religious/ Spiritual Faith Questionnaire (Plante & Boccaccini, 1997), Pro-social Personality Battery (Penner, 2002) and Gratitude questionnaire (GQ-6; McCullough, Emmons & Tsang, 2002). Pearson product moment correlation was calculated to assess the relationship between religiosity/spirituality, gratitude and pro-social behavior; Moreover, gender differences in pro-social behavior of university students were determined using independent sample t-test. Furthermore, moderating analysis through process was employed to assess the moderating role of religiosity/spirituality between gratitude and pro-social behavior. The findings showed that there was a significant positive relationship between religiosity/spirituality, gratitude and pro-social behavior. It was also revealed the gender differences in pro-social behavior of the university students. Religiosity/spirituality was emerged as a moderator between gratitude and pro-social behavior. The present study contributed as an understanding for students and teachers that how university students exhibit their helping behavior and what they think about gratitude and religiosity/spirituality.

Keywords: Religiosity/spirituality, gratitude, pro-social behavior.

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