Parental Attachment, Self-Esteem and Academic Achievement of Students

Author: Nazia Abdul Ghaffar
Supervisor: Rafia Rafique, PhD
Degree: M.Sc
Year: 2013-2015
University: Institute of Applied Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan

The objective of the present study was to determine the mediating role of self-esteem in the relationship of parental attachment and academic achievement. It was hypothesized that there is a likely to be a positive relationship between parental attachment, self-esteem and academic achievement. Moreover, it was hypothesized that self-esteem is likely to mediate the relationship between parental attachment and academic achievement among students of different colleges and universities. Sample comprised of 200 students studying in different colleges and universities situated in the city of Lahore. Corelational research design was used. Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965) and two subscales of Inventory of Parents and Peer Attachment (Amrsden & Greenberg, 1987) were administered. To assess academic achievement, GPAs of students were collected. Correlation and hierarchical mediated regression were applied to statistically analyze the collected data. The findings of this research showed that there is a positive correlation between parental attachment and academic achievement. In addition, parental attachment and self–esteem both showed a positive correlation with academic achievement. Result of this study also revealed that the self-esteem mediated the relationship between parental attachment and academic achievement. These results have implications for educational psychologists, counselors and administration of academic institutions and it is suggested that workshop for students as well as parents should be arranged to rectify such issues. It should also be on the agenda of academicians to guide parents of students in an effort to enhance their self-esteem which has constructive influence on academic achievement.

Keywords: Parental Attachment, Self-esteem, Academic Achievement.

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Corresponding Address: Department of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. Email:, Phone: 92-42-9231245

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