Pakistani Muslims’ Attitudes about Jews and Israel: Cognitive, Affective and Behavioural Components

Article Title: Pakistani Muslims’ Attitudes about Jews and Israel: Cognitive, Affective and Behavioural Components

Author(s): Amina Tarar and Rabia Hafeez

Institute(s): Department of Psychology, GC University, Lahore

Journal: Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 2011, Vol. 9, 41-49

Correspondence Address: Amina Tarar, Department of Psychology, GC University, Lahore. Email:

The present study explored Pakistani Muslims’ attitudes about Jews and Israel in terms of their cognitive, affective and behavioural components. It was hypothesized that Jews would be stereotyped significantly more on negative than positive traits. A heterogeneous sample of 100 participants was attained. Percentage Estimation Task, Range Task and descriptive statistics revealed higher level of stereo-typicality on negative traits and higher level of perceived group variability on positive traits, thus supporting the hypothesis. Ratings on feeling thermometer indicated that participants have detached feelings towards the subgroup of Jews termed by them as ‘Bad Jews’ and ‘Extremist Jews’. Social distance technique indicated higher level of hatred in participants regarding Israel as compared to other nationalities. Channels of out-group familiarity revealed the role of newspapers and news channels as the major one in forming their attitudes about Israel and Jews. The results carry important implications regarding current social and political scenario.

Keywords: Pakistani Muslims, attitude, Jews, perception

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