Ostracism, Personality and Workplace Deviant Behaviors in Employees of Private Organizations

Author: Zehra Keshf
Supervisor: Afifa Anjum
Degree: M.Sc
Year: 2011-2015
University: Institute of Applied Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan

Being social animals, human beings live and connect with others. Ostracism rejects this connection as the ostracized individual is rejected by others. In workplace, such ostracism can lead to workplace deviant behaviors. But personality can play a moderating role in the relationship of ostracism and the resulting workplace deviance. The current study explored the relationship of demographics with ostracism, personality and workplace deviant behaviors; the relationship between main study variables and the moderating role of personality between ostracism and workplace deviant behaviors. Using Workplace Ostracism Scale (Ferris, Brown, Berry & Lian, 2008), Ten Item Personality Inventory (Gosling, Rentfrow, Swann, 2003) and Interpersonal and Organizational Deviance Scale (Bennett & Robinson, 2000) data was gathered from 120 private organization employees through convenient sampling. Results indicated that current job position was negatively related to ostracism. Ostracism was significantly linked to workplace deviant behaviors. Among the personality traits, agreeableness showed negative relationship with ostracism. Emotional stability had negative relation with both ostracism and one subscale of workplace deviance i.e. interpersonal deviance. Moderating role of the five personality traits was analyzed using hierarchical regression, for which the two subscales of workplace deviance i.e. interpersonal deviance and organizational deviance were catered as separate variables and a total of ten regression analyses were run. Agreeableness, emotional stability and openness to experience moderated the relationship of ostracism and interpersonal deviance whereas relationship of ostracism and organizational deviance was moderated by emotional stability only. Results are discussed in light of previous researches and limitations, suggestions and implications are presented.

Keywords: Ostracism, Workplace, Deviant Behaviors, Private Organizations.
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Corresponding Address: Department of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. Email: chairperson@appsy.pu.edu.pk, Phone: 92-42-9231245

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