Machiavellian Beliefs and Well-Being in Sports Students

Huma Rani (BS, 2014-2018) Supervisor: Afifa Anjum

The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship of Machiavellian beliefs and well-being (psychological well-being and subjective well-being) in sports students. The sample consisted of 120 sport students from the sports department of University of the Punjab. Mach-IV, a 20-items Scale, (Christie & Geis, 1960) was used to assess Machiavellianism. Psychological well-being was measured by Psychological Well-being questionnaire (PWB; Ryff’s, 1989), 42 items scale. Subjective Well-being was measured by Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS; Watson, Clark & Tellegan, 1988), 10 items scale. Mean score of participants on Machiavellianism was above scale cutoff score (i.e. 100) indicating that they were high Machs. The results of regression analysis showed that Machiavellianism significantly predicted three subscales of psychological well-being i.e. environmental mastery, purpose in life and positive relation with others and one  subscale of subjective well-being i.e. positive affect. Results of independent sample t-test indicated that Machiavellianism had no significant gender differences while positive affect had significant gender differences. Males reported more positive affect as compared to females. So, this research concluded that sports students use the Machiavellian thinking that can predict their psychological well-being and subjective well-being. This study has contributed in current body of knowledge by highlighting the positive relation of Machiavellian beliefs with psychological well-being and subjective well-being.

Keywords: Machiavellian beliefs, well-being, sports students.

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