Article Title: Impact of Workplace Bullying on Job Performance, Intention to Leave, OCB and Stress
Author(s): Muhammad Khalique, Imtiaz Arif, Masooma Siddiqui and Syeda Wajiha Kazmi
Institute(s): MUST Business School, Mirpur University of Science and Technology (MUST) Mirpur Azad Jammu and Kashmir; Post Graduate Student, IQRA University, Karachi; Research & Communication Assistant, IQRA University, Karachi.
Journal: Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 2018, Vol. 33, No. 1, 55-74
Correspondence Address: Imtiaz Arif, Department of Management Sciences, IQRA University, Karachi, Pakistan. Email:
This research intends to examine the impact of workplace bullying (WPB) on task performance (TP), organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), psychological stress (stress) and intention to leave (IL); whereas two mediators job satisfaction (JS) and perceived organizational support (POS) were used to check the intensity of its impact on the relationship of the variables. The research adopted the random sampling method and collected data from 320 private bank employees in Karachi. An adapted survey questionnaire was utilized for the collection of employees’ responses. The questionnaire was adapted by utilizing Negative Act Questionnaire (NAQ-R) by Einarsen, Hoel & Notelaers (2009); Task Performance scale (Williams & Anderson, 1991); Depression Anxiety, Stress Scale (DASS) by Henry & Crawford (2005); Intention to Leave a Job measure by Jenkins (1993) and Krausz et al. (1995); perceived Organizational Support questionnaire by Eisenberger, Cummings, Armeli, and Lynch(1997); Job Satisfaction scale was adapted by previous studies (Pasework & Viator , 2006; Rusbult & Farrell , 1983). The data were analyzed through Smart PLS 3.1.The findings indicate that the WPB has significant relevant impact on OCB, IL, Stress and TP. However, JS and POS do not mediate the relationship between WPB and studied variables.
Keywords. Workplace bullying, job satisfaction, perceived organizational support, organization citizenship behavior, stress and intention to leave