Experiences and Attitudes Related to Menstruation among Female Students

Article Title: Experiences and Attitudes Related to Menstruation among Female Students

Author(s): Fauzia Aflaq and Humaira Jami

Institute(s): National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.

Journal: Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 2012, Vol. 27, No.2, 201-224

Correspondence Address: Humaira Jami, National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. E-mail: hnmaira.shahzad@gmail.com


Experiencing menstruation is an important indicator of reproductive health that holds great significance in the life of young girls. Aim of the study was to explore the relationship between attitudes and experiences related to menstruation among female adolescents. For this purpose, Attitude towards Menstruation Scale originally developed by McHugh and Wasser in 1959 (as cited in Shaw & Wright, 1967) was adapted and Checklist on Experiences related to Menstruation was developed in the present study. These were administered on the sample of 245 college girls with age range between 16-21 years from Islamabad. Of the total sample, 96% had onset of menstrual cycle in early adolescence. The findings supported significant positive correlation between attitude and experiences related to menstruation. Overall negative attitudes and experiences prevailed among students. The study confirms the hypothesis that those having mothers as a major source of information regarding menstruation had significantly more positive attitudes and experiences. Further, those who used ready-made sanitary napkins showed significantly more positive attitudes and experiences than those who used horne-made sanitary napkins.

Keywords: menstruation, menarche, attitudes, scale development, female adolescence

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