Evidence Based Guidelines And The Context Of Care: The Case Of E.C.T For People With Schizophrenia

Article Title: Evidence Based Guidelines And The Context Of Care: The Case Of E.C.T For People With Schizophrenia

Author(s): Prathap Tharyan

Institute(s) : Department of Psychiatry, South Asian Cochrane Network Professor Bhooshanam V Moses Centre for Clinical Trials & Evidence Based Medicine Christian Medical College, Vellore 632002, Tamil Nadu, INDIA

Journal: Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society, 2006, Vol. 3, No. 1, p. 3–5

Correspondence Address: prathap@cmcvellore.ac.in

Practice guidelines that are based on best evidence are useful for clinicians and consumers. The guidelines published from time to time by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) in the UK have a reach far beyond their intended sphere of influence in the UK. Unfortunately, the NICE guidelines on Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) do not recommend that ECT be used for people with schizophrenia (except catatonia, which may be also result from other disorders). This guidance was based on the results of two systematic reviews one of which has subsequently been updated. This guidance contrasts with the recommendations of professional bodies that cite schizophrenia as an indication for ECT and the results of surveys of practice that demonstrates that schizophrenia continues to be a common indication for the use of ECT in India.

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