Thesis Title: Educating Mothers on Child Abuse
Author Name: Rida Ahmad
Supervisor: Saima Ghazal
Year: 2017
Degree: BS
Department: Institute of Applied Psychology
University: Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan
Corresponding Address: Department of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. Email:, Phone: 92-42-9231245
One in every four girls and one in every seven boys in the world are sexually abused. Moreover, one in 5 women and 1 in 13 men reported having been sexually abused as a child (Stoltenborgh, Ijzendoorn, Euser 7 Kranenburg, 2011). This highlights the need for interventions in preventing child abuse around the globe, particularly in underdeveloped countries. The present study aimed at two things; firstly, designing an intervention program to educate and train mothers on child abuse and the high risk factors that contribute the most towards it and secondly, to test the effectiveness of the intervention through quasi pre-post-test design. Intervention was designed by identifying high risk factors in collaboration with SAHIL, an NGO that is working toward child protection and neglect. Intervention was tested and finalized after piloting (n = 12). Data was collected from middle class mothers (n = 60). Quasi experimental research design, and two way mixed ANOVA were used for analysis. Findings indicated significant differences in mothers’ knowledge and awareness to child abuse risk factors and its consequences in experimental and control groups at post testing; Mothers improved their knowledge on child abuse, its risk factors and serious consequences in experimental group than in control group. Implications are important in highlighting the importance and need for training interventions and tutorials for mothers and families in preventing child abuse.
Child abuse, child sexual abuse, training intervention on child abuse.