Comparison of Study Habits and Academic Performance of Pakistani British and White British Students

Article Title: Comparison of Study Habits and Academic Performance of Pakistani British and White British Students

Author(s): Shabbir Ahmad Rana and Rukhsana Kausar

Institute(s): Department of Psychology, GC University; Department of Applied Psychology, Lahore Punjab University, Lahore

Journal: Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 2011, Vol. 9, 21-26

Correspondence Address: Dr Shabbir Ahmad Rana, , Department of Psychology, GC University, Lahore. Email:


The present study was conducted to compare Pakistani British and White British students on study habits and their academic performance. The sample comprised of 200 science students of 10th class recruited from four multiethnic schools of England, UK. Survey of Study Habits and Attitudes (Brown & Holtzman, 1955) was used to assess students’ study habits and their last year academic grades were used to assess academic performance. Statistical analysis revealed that although White British students had significantly better study habits than the Pakistani British but no significant difference was found in their academic performance. Country of origin and schools had significant interactive effect on study habits of students but did not have an interactive effect on academic performance of the students. The study has important implication for the educationists.

Keywords: Pakistani British students, White British students, study habits, academic performance

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