Adaptation of Parenting Stress Index

Author: Tahira Hassan

Supervisor: Ms. Afshi Yahya Khan

Degree: BS

Year: 2005-2009

University: Institute of Applied Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan


The aim of the present study was to adapt the tool Parenting Stress Index 3rd Edition (PSI) developed by Richard R. Abidin (1995). A sample of 298 parents (61 fathers and 237 mothers) was collected through purposive sampling technique from different Schools for special education and hospitals. The translated (Urdu) version of the Parenting Stress Index (PSI) was individually administered. Exploratory Factor Analysis and Cronbach’s alpha was used to assess factor structure and reliability of the adapted PSI. Results revealed that there was no difference in factor structure of the adapted. PSI Urdu version as factor analysis yield 6 factors for child domain such as Distractibility/ Hyperactivity (DI), Reinforces Parent (RE), Mood (MO), Acceptability (AC), Adaptability (AD) and Demandingness (DE) and 7 factors for the parent domain such as Competence (CO), Attachment (AT), Role Restriction (RO), Depression (DP), Spouse (SP) Isolation (IS) and Health (HE). The reliability coefficient of the PSI child domain and parent domain were .79 and .87 respectively. Furthermore, Factor Analysis showed that 15 items were discarded.

Keywords: Stress, Depression, Isolation, Parenting stress.

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