Author: Amira Amjad
Supervisor: Ms. Mujeeba Ashraf
Degree: BS
Year: 2005-2009
University: Institute of Applied Psychology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan
The present study was carried out for the development of an Indigenous Islamic BeliefQuestionnaire (IIBQ). In this research a random sample of 370 adults (both male and female) was taken from three different socio-economic status groups of Data Gunj Baksh Town, Lahore. The IIBQ was used along with demographic variables. The results brought out eight factors whereas the researcher had initially identified seven factors. Items were retained on the basis of their factor loadings. Consequently seven factors were retained and relabeled according to their emerging themes while one factor was dropped because it was perceived to fall outside the ambit of our investigations. The inter-scale correlation ranged between (r= .729-.961) and alpha co-efficient had showed high reliability that is .937. The KMO’s and Bartletts were ÷2.928; p.<,=.000; the factor loadings ranged between .302-.890.
Keywords: : Indigenous, Islamic Belief. Questionnaire.
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