Satisfaction with the Substitute Choices for Pre Medical Students

Thesis Title: Satisfaction with the Substitute Choices for Pre Medical Students

Author Name: Ayesha Haya

Supervisor: Saima Ghazal

Year: 2017

Degree: BS

Department: Institute of Applied Psychology

University: Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan

Corresponding Address: Department of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. Email:, Phone: 92-42-9231245


Every year, around 80,000 students (from all over Pakistan) appear for MCAT against 3400 medical seats in all medical colleges in Pakistan. The current study aimed at exploring how those who fail MCAT make career substitute choices. Study also aimed to find the level of satisfaction of the students with those choices that they made as substitute for medical school. Goal of the study was to explore the level of satisfaction with top substitutes, so we can guide prospective students to make better career choices. A sample of (n = 162) was taken from 10 selected departments of Punjab University where majority of the premedical students (after failing MCAT) ended up. Findings revealed that students, on average, made choices/decision based on availability and merit of the program. Further findings revealed that overall students were satisfied with their choices; however, their satisfaction level was low in semester one as compared to final semester. ANOVA results indicated that students’ top three choices in terms of satisfaction with the program as a medical school substitute were; first, chemistry and D-Pharmacy; second, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics (MMG) and Agricultural Sciences and third was Applied Psychology. Implications of the study are useful in terms of guiding helping premedical students to make better substitute career choices/decisions.


Career choices, substitutes for medical school, Pre-medical students.

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