Relationship of Expressed Emotion with Burden of Care and Health of Caregivers of Patients with Schizophrenia

Article Title: Relationship of Expressed Emotion with Burden of Care and Health of Caregivers of Patients with Schizophrenia

Author(s): Sarosh Sadiq and Kausar Suhail

Institute(s): Department of Psychology, Government College University, Lahore.

Journal: Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 2013, Vol. 11, No.1, 3-10

Correspondence Address: Sarosh Sadiq, Department of Psychology, GC University, Katchery Road, Lahore, Pakistan. Email:


The present study is the pioneering attempt to examine the effects of high Expressed Emotion (EE) on health and burden of care among primary caregivers of patients with schizophrenia in Pakistan. Fifty two caregivers of inpatients, diagnosed with schizophrenia using Structured Clinical Interview for DSM- IV Axis 1 (SCID-1), were assessed for EE through Camberwell Family Interview (CFI). Three health measures including burden of care (Burden Assessment Scale, BAS), general health (General Health Questionnaire-12, GHQ-12) and physical health (Physical Health Checklist, PHC) were used to assess health status of caregivers. Burden Assessment Scale (BAS) was used to assess the link of burden of care with EE and health of the caregivers. High EE was found to have a significant negative effect on health and burden of care. Further analysis revealed high Emotional over Involvement (EOI) as a robust predictor of poor health and cause of high burden of care among primary caregivers of patients. Considering the negative impact of high EOI on burden of care and health status of the caregivers, there is a need for intervention programs aimed at reducing EOI and in turn EE for improving health and reducing burden of care in caregivers of patients with severe mental illnesses. Considering a higher frequency of mothers on all EE components, they require greater attention of mental health professionals.

Keywords: expressed emotion, burden of care, health, caregivers, schizophrenia

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