Article Title: Leadership Styles: Predictors of Conflict Management Styles
Autor(s): M.Anis-ul-Haque, Shazia Almas & Tahir Saeed
Institute(s): National Institute of Psychology, Qauid-e-Azam University, Islamabad; Foundation University Islamabad
Journal: Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, JHSS Vol. XVIII, No.1 (2010)
The present study aimed to examine the relationship between leadership styles and conflict management styles among managers while handling interpersonal conflict (Managers and Subordinates). Managers occupy the key leading positions in most of the organizations. It is primary responsibility of managers to effectively deal with conflicts. The preference for choice of a specific conflict management mode is argued to be associated with a particular leadership style. The ability to creatively manage conflict situations, towards constructive outcomes is obsequious standard requirement. Middle level managers (N=150) from different private sector manufacturing industries were included in the study to seek responses by using a three-part questionnaire: Organizational Conflict Management Inventory, Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) and demographic data. Managers who perceived to exhibit more on transformational leadership style adopted integrating and obliging style of conflict management. Those who perceived to exhibit more on transactional style opted for compromising style of conflict management. Whereas, managers perceived to exhibit Laissez-faire leadership style adopted avoiding style to manage conflicts with subordinates. Leadership styles show predicted relationship with conflict management styles. Transformational leadership style exhibited positive relationship with constructive style of conflict management i.e. integrating and obliging; transactional leadership style was related to compromising, whereas, Laissez-faire leadership style showed relationship with destructive style of conflict management i.e. avoiding style.
Keywords: conflict, conflict management, conflict mode, leadership style