22 Famous Psychologists & Their Theories/Experiments/Concepts

In this blog we will tell you about the 22 famouse psychologists in the history and which theories, experiment or concepts they contributed to psychology. These theories/experiments/concepts made them eternal in the field of psychology and changed the way we view human mind and behavior.

  1. Ainsworth, Mary – Attachment Theory

  2. Asch, Solomon – Conformity Experiment

  3. Bandura, Albert – Social Learning Theory

  4. Bowlby, John – Attachment Theory

  5. Bruner, Jerome – cognitive development of children

  6. Erikson, Erik – Theory of Psychosocial Development

  7. Freud, Sigmund – psychoanalysis

  8. Kohlberg, Lawrence – moral development

  9. Kolb, David – experiential learning styles theory

  10. Kuhn, Thomas Samuel – developmental psychology

  11. Maslow, Abraham – Hierarchy of Needs

  12. Milgram, Stanley – obedience experiment

  13. Pavlov, Ivan – conditioned/unconditioned response

  14. Piaget, Jean – cognitive development

  15. Popper, Karl – distinguishing science from non-science

  16. Rogers, Carl – self actualization

  17. Skinner, B. F. – operant conditioning

  18. Thorndike, Edward – operant conditioning within behaviorism

  19. Vygotsky, Lev – sociocultural theory

  20. Watson, John – classical conditioning within behaviourism

  21. Wundt, Wilhelm – structuralism, founder of experimental psychology

  22. Zimbardo, Philip – Stanford Prison Experiment

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