Measuring Self-Efficacy Beliefs in Prospective Teachers During Pre-service Teacher Education Program

Article Title: Measuring Self-Efficacy Beliefs in Prospective Teachers During Pre-service Teacher Education Program

Author(s): Sadia Shaukat and Hafiz M. Iqbal

Institute(s): Faculty of Education Township, University of Education; Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore

Journal: Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 2013, Vol. 11, No.2, 51-57

Correspondence Address: Sadia Shaukat, PhD, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Education Township Campus Lahore. Email:


The study was conducted to examine the changes in self-efficacy beliefs in prospective teachers during a Master’s level pre-service teacher education program, and sampled 96 female and 20 male student teachers from a public university in Pakistan. A 5-point, Likert-type scale incorporating the four factors: locus of control, persistent behavior, classroom anxiety and professional mastery beliefs, was constructed by using factor analysis to assess self-efficacy beliefs in unique cultural and social norms of Pakistan. Results for the above sample of education programs (Masters Elementary Education, Secondary Education, and Science Education) indicated that prospective teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs on all four factors significantly decreased from the first semester to the fourth semester. Similar situation was found on the sample of three teacher education programs on the composite scale. Results of the study with possible implications to policy makers and educators are discussed.

Keywords: Prospective teachers, Teacher education program, Locus of control, Persistent behavior, Classroom anxiety, Mastery beliefs.

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