Brain Dain, its Determinants and Solutions

Article Title: Brain Dain, its Determinants and Solutions


Author(s): Maryam Noor, Qadir Bakhsh Baloch

Institute(s): Islamia College Peshawar, National University of Modern Languages

Journal: Peshawar Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences (PJPBS) Vol 1 No 2 (2015)

Correspondence Address: Dr. Madiha Asghar | Phone+92-91-9222022 |


Brain drain is an important issue that leads to losing skilled human resource ultimately results in psychosocial and economic instability of the country. The aim of the present study was to review the different studies on the phenomenon of brain drain. Studies on different issues were thoroughly reviewed which include the definition, causes, determinants, evolution and the recommendations for reducing negative consequences of brain drain. Also studies of different developing countries and of Pakistan as well were reviewed to see the negative and positive consequences of this issue. Pakistan because of its political instability and economic downfall is facing the problem of skilled trainees, doctors and professionals; therefore the present study focused the causes and effects of brain drain. Some recommendations were identified from the analysis of different research papers, which can help in the reduction of negative factors associated with the Brain drain phenomena.

Keywords: Brain drain, causes of brain drain, effects of brain drain, developing countries

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