Article Title: Body Dysmorphic Disorder Features and Rejection Sensitivity: Attitude of University Students towards Cosmetic Surgery Acceptance
Author: Saima Gul and Kehkashan Urooj
Institute: Department of Psychology
University: International Islamic University Islamabad
Journal: Bahria Journal of Professional Psychology, July 2017, Vol. 16, No. 2, 87-103
The present research was conducted to identify the relationship between body dimorphic disorder features and rejection sensitivity: Attitude of university students towards cosmetic surgery acceptance. The study also found the relationship between body dysmorphic disorders features and rejection sensitivity. Sample comprised of 300 students from government and private universities of two cities Islamabad and Rawalpindi. For the present research Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale modified for BDD, Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire and Acceptance of Cosmetic Surgery Scale were used for data collection. The findings indicated that features of BDD and Rejection sensitivity are correlated with acceptance of cosmetic surgery among university students. Findings showed that females were higher on personal rejection sensitivity, body dysmorphic disorder features and cosmetic surgery acceptance as compared to the male students.
Keywords: Rejection sensitivity, cosmetic surgery acceptance, body dysmorphic disorder, clinical psychology, university students