Article Title: A Review Of Global Issues And Prevalence Of Child Mental Health Problems: Where Does CAMH Stand In Pakistan?
Author(s): Sajida Abdul Hussein
Institute(s): University of Leicester, Greenwood Institute of Child Health, Westcotes House, Westcotes Drive, Leicester, LE3 OQU, UK.
Journal: Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society, 2009, No. 6, No. 1, p. 5-13
This study was done to update information and provide a more systematic review of past research, as well as identify current research trends and issues in child psychiatric epidemiological studies conducted globally and critique on the status of child mental health in Pakistan. In the last few years a number of studies in developing countries have adopted similar methods to those used in developed countries, with large and representative samples and widely established and standardized measures, thus enabling cross-cultural comparisons, indicating that these researches are feasible and potentially worthwhile, and highlighting the need to carry out similar studies in other regions. There is a need for such a large scale study to be carried out in Pakistan to identify and enable policy maker to meet the needs of all children in the country.
Key words: Child Psychiatric Epidemiology, Prevalence, Pakistan.