Psychogenic Sneezing In Children

Article Title: Psychogenic Sneezing In Children

Author(s): Dr. Imran Mushtaq

Institute(s): Eaglestone Centre, Standing Way Milton Keynes MK6 5AZ UK.

Journal: Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society, 2008, Vol. 5, No. 2, p. 125-125

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De Sousa’s case report on childhood psychogenic sneezing reminds professionals about an important childhood condition, which is often considered as a rare occurrence. Although Butlani and O’Connell2 argue that it is not rare and held the opinion that functional respiratory disorders are common and affect mostly children, adolescents, and young adults, resulting in considerable morbidity and contributing significantly to patient and physician cost and frustration. A history of a psychiatric disorder with temporally related psychogenic stressors is frequently found in these cases. Professionals disagree on the technical classification of some of these conditions (ie, psychosomatic versus somatoform), but there is agreement that treatment directed toward underlying stressors should be the cornerstone of therapy.

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