Perception of Love in Young Adults

Article Title: Perception of Love in Young Adults

Author(s): Saniya Kokab and M. Asir Ajmal

Institute(s): Government College University, Lahore

Journal: Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 2012, Vol. 10, No. 1, 43-48

Correspondence Address: Saniya Kokab, Government College University, Lahore. Email:


The present study investigated perception of love in young adults. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with two women in which one was having her first love affair and the other one was having her second. After applying grounded theory, three staged theory of love emerged describing how love develops over time, how it is perceived and what different factors are associated with it. The first stage describes the process of falling in love. The second stage explains happiness and its associated factors. It also portrays bias against love and the troubles young adults have to face in family and society. The third stage depicts expectations that the lover would marry and become serious in career so can support a family. This study has implications for parents and counselors.

Keywords: love, perception, young adults, family

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