Article Title: Depression In Primary Care: Clinical Epidemiology & Clinical Decision Analysis — An Analytical Review
Author(s): Haider Ali Naqvi
Institute(S): Department of Psychiatry, Aga Khan University Hospital, Stadium Road, Karachi. Pakistan.
Journal: Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society, 2006, Vol. 3, No. 1, p. 6–11
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A clinical decision analysis (CDA) is a mathematical tool designed to facilitate complex clinical decisions in which many variables should be considered simultaneously. CDA is a feasible tool for multifaceted problem of management of depression in primary health care. It provides a systematic frame work for organizing all data relevant to the decision on recognition and management of depression. Clinical epidemiological perspective is used for assessing the validity of screening instrument. A decision matrix based on reported probabilities is also constructed. Chance nodes and decisions pertinent to comorbidities, illness severity and treatment options for depression are also presented.
Key words: Clinical epidemiology, Clinical decision Analysis, Depressive disorder, primary care, Pakistan.